So. Most of you may have noticed there is a student referendum going on on campus. It's kind of hard to miss, what with it being right in the joint entrance to the university and college. I'm going to assume most of you know what the referendum is about. Even the pictures out front will show you it's about the student centre. The general gist is this: NUSU and CSRC want control of money they claim the university should be giving them to do the expansion the way they want, but the university claims it is following protocol.
But there's no way to hide from this issue. We can't hide our heads in our books! And it's partly because no one will let us, which should be a good thing. But I have some quibbles with this situation which I am going to divulge, at the expense of potentially receiving some backlash for my opinions.
My first issue is the approach that NUSU and CSRC are taking to make students aware of what is going on. Yes, students need to be informed, but not harassed. If I would like to walk past the people handing out flyers without taking one, please let me walk casually by. I am aware of the politics and arguments. I have read the official Nipissing email, I have read the comments on the Facebook group, and I have developed opinions. I realize some people haven't, and I have always been a supporter of freedom of expression (e.g., Jesus Coke blog post from last year), but I also believe that I have a right to get to my class on time, and being blocked by those who inform us has infringed on that ability for me for much of the past week. In one instance, three spokespeople literally trapped me.
It's not just the general student populace who is feeling the brunt of this. I know that some students who are connected to NUSU in various ways have been pressured into wearing the referendum shirts, even without being fully educated on the topic.

So I voted. I shant say which way, I don't want to sway things, but when I showed my student card and got my voting paper, I was given an additional little bright yellow slip. It was *suspense* a coupon for a free fry at the Wall. Not only that, but it's only valid on voting days. This disturbed me. Voting should not have incentives attached to it. This is democracy. Democracy shouldn't be tainted by promises of fast food. It influences the votes. It may get more people to vote, but it can sway the votes that are given. This tactic bothers me. It's seems to verge on nepotism to me. The NUSU, CSRC, and Wall facebook walls all encourage students to vote and get free fries. For all we know, these are false promises built on free coffee, donuts, and french fries.
When I vote, I'd also like a little booth so I know my vote is confidential. The table is just that--a table with two boxes. There was someone behind me when I voted. It was awkward. This wouldn't be permitted in real elections. If the student unions are taking this as seriously as they claim, measures to ensure confidentiality should be a given.
We've received a biased perception. This is normal in politics, but I personally don't want to take for granted that the student unions are acting in my best interest. It's a difficult time, too, because the elected executive shifts over the summer, when most students aren't even here. It's hard enough figuring out what is going on when you're on campus. They have compared the university to a parent, controlling the money they feel they have a right to. But the university says they do give the money, on request. Perhaps, if the student unions are not behaving appropriately in their tactics, they do need a parent to keep them in check. As always with politics though, it is difficult to know which is the best option.
Either way, the student centre is going to be changed, no matter who is in control of those funds, and I think that is what is most important. We just want to know our money is not being misappropriated, but instead of hearing about where those funds are going, we hear who is in control of the money. That would be in the students' best interests. Apparently, in this case, money is power.
[Photo by author; no license infringement]
Yup, I def felt the pressure while voting, did not like the fact that there was no privacy and the people at the desk were pretty much staring at me/reading what I wrote as I voted. BOOOO.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I was kinda upset about the french fry thing too. I felt like I was being bribed or something. And they said you're supposed to get it after you vote, but they handed me mine before I had filled out my ballot. It was weird.
ReplyDeleteI noticed they had a tiny little divider thing set up today so you could maybe have privacy. Maybe someone there read this . . .
ReplyDeleteMaybe. But this morning they had these huge "YES" signs on everything in the front part of the hallway, including the thing of free coffee. If I vote yes, do I get daily free coffee for my money?
ReplyDeleteThat divider did nothing, there was someone standing directly behind me looking over my shoulders as I put a check in my desired box's. I felt like there should have been a student/Nipissing council forum to try and get both views across so that students could truly understand the issue.
ReplyDeleteNUSU and CRSC could have gone about this better.
I definitely agree Jasmine; it would have let us know what was going on from both sides, instead of a massive campaign from the student unions and an official email from the university. It was hard to know what was going on - we didn't know the past legislation, etc., and what had already been done really, just what the unions wanted to happen. The voters, myself included, would have liked to be better-informed.
ReplyDeleteI did wonder about the divider, it was quite small and I wondered if it would actually be effective. I gather the answer is no. Really unfortunate.
I read in The Nugget that students were voting on who they wanted to control their money. I didn't like the way the ballots were made for that. The first question just asked if I wanted NUSU to control or not.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think it's kinda funny that more students voted for this than they did for the NUSU election. So people are saying they want people they didn't even vote for to control their money?
I agree with everything. The French Fries thing just bothered me, and I want to know what's going to happen, but I'm not going to be here for the summer, and it's not like we get regular updates of decisions that have been made . . . how are we going to find out what's going on if we're not on campus over the summer? I think they have to be held accountable for how they ran their campaign or whatever it would be called. It wasn't professional. Maybe it is in our best interest to have them in control of the money though, that could be right, just the way they did it bothers me.
ReplyDeleteThe NUSU facebook group said thanks for the support, but they haven't given any other updates. Does anyone know anything about what's actually happening now?
ReplyDeleteI heard they had a meeting last week with some admin people, but it wasn't about the referendum, so I have no idea.
ReplyDeleteNipissing University Halloween Party