Monday, November 15, 2010

[title of blog]

Hello there!

I am assuming that since you are reading this you are trying to decide whether or not you would like to follow my blog, so you're wondering what in the gosh darn world it is about. I mean, the title is slightly vague, indescript, ambiguous (if you are an English student or an avid literarian [I have coined that term -- the noun version of the adjective literary. Feel free to use it at your disposal]). In part, the fact that the title is open to interpretation is part of it's appeal! Hopefully there will be something for everyone. Follow. Participate. Hooray for active involvement!

I must admit, however, that there is a more direct allusion in both the title and subtitle of this blog: [title of show], an unfortunately slightly obscure musical. If you don't mind a bit of crass language, I suggest you Youtube it; I find it highly entertaining. The entire premise is that it is a simple, yet original, musical. "And who says four chairs and a keyboard can't make a musical?" as the performers sing. Well, who says we need all that flare and pizzazz to be entertained by a blog? That is my hope - to provide random entertainment through what I am experiencing or finding entertaining and sharing it with my fellow Nipissing University students and/or colleagues (including the part-timers!). The songs from [title of show] are linked simply because they resolve around the lives of the characters (who actually play themselves, so they aren't 'characters' at all), which the writers make entertaining through their wit and humour. It is my hope that something similar can happen here. Only time will tell.


  1. "Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred people" is a reference to RENT!

  2. 10 points to Elisha! You win ... my respect!

  3. I could have gotten the answer! This must have been made before you figured out how to embed videos I see ...
