Unfortunately, I have to report the same for actor Leslie Nielsen, who passed away yesterday. I think most of us recognize the name, but for those of you who cannot put a movie title to that name, in my mind he will be most remembered as the lead of the Naked Gun movies. He has more recently been in children's movies, playing the beloved Santa Claus and other humorous children's characters, but to me he is always the man who says things like "You're excited? You should feel my nipples!" He is one of my favourite things.
What some people do not know is that Mr. Leslie Nielsen, comédien extraordinaire, is actually Canadian-born! That's right, he was born in the prairies!
Which brings me to my chosen clip. I don't know how to embed Youtube videos on here, so I'm sorry but the best I can do is provide a link. Watch Leslie Nielsen try to sing the American national anthem in a movie and fail. It's extra funny since he's Canadian!